by Cameron on April 5, 2017 at 2:01 pm
Do you feel like you are not selling enough music on Audiodraft or perhaps you are not getting as many invites to private project as you once were? If so, read on to find a potential reason for this drop in work. Audiodraft uses a system of tags to organise our instant tracks library and sort our talent into their areas of speciality. Tags come in four flavours; Genre, mood, instruments and sounds like. When you upload a track to Audiodraft, these tags are stored in our database. When a client approaches with a new brief, we use these tags […] Read more »
by Cameron on February 16, 2017 at 3:09 pm
Co-Producers are the unsung heroes behind every great album. People like Phil Spector with his pioneering work with the Beatles and his wall of sound technique. Then there is the work of Dr. Dre and his production skills on the album “2001”. Still not convinced about the importance of Co-Producers? We have one last name for you. Rick Rubin *Drops Mic* Make Money – Put your ears to work Audiodraft currently has over 100 talented Co-Producers on site. Out of a community of 20,000 this is a tiny fraction of our talented community. We want to change that as we […] Read more »
by Community Manager on March 3, 2016 at 3:06 pm
What the heck is dBFS, true peak, RMS, integrated loudness and LUFS? Why do I need to know these strange appellations? As a professional sound designer you will eventually stumble across technical terms referring to audio levels and loudness. A customer might tell you: “we need a track with an integrated loudness of -23 LUFS, a dynamic range of ≤15 LU and a true peak of max -1 dBTP”. Even if you’ve been producing audio for a few years you might be thinking: “huuuuuh…?”. By now you’ve probably heard about the loudness war, and we all know what it sounds like […] Read more »
by Anni on January 21, 2016 at 2:48 pm
As a music producer, there’s another way to take part in productions besides creating audio: by becoming a co-producer! Being a co-producer can be useful in many ways: you get your share of the project royalties while learning about professional creative productions from a client’s perspective. As you start understanding the customer point of view by listening to other composers’ work in a more focused way, you’ll become a better music producer yourself. We emailed two of our most prominent co-producers–WheelieR and NVSound–to learn from their perspective what it means to co-produce on Audiodraft Agency Studios. The other side of […] Read more »