What are we hearing now? January 2018

Top 5 Audio Branding and Audio Marketing articles, January 2018

Many things are happening around Audio and Voice right now. Audio branding or audio marketing is already showing a tremendous surge of interest in the beginning of this year. The number of publications on the subject has grown exponentially and we have gathered the most interesting ones from January 2018. We will continue to do so every month this year.

Brand owners and marketers will see important developments in 2018 as the trend in audio branding continue to grow. One of the most common audio branding topics on everyone’s lips is the use of Voice. The impact of Voice controlled devices will change the face of retail sooner than you might expect and will turn into a worldwide phenomenon. Voice will also have an impact that might not have been foreseen by marketing and SEO departments. For example, if 30 percent of all internet research will be made without a screen, is your website ready for Voice generated SEO? To check into this trend and its development, here are a top 5 articles of the month:

What are we hearing now?

1- 10 audio marketing trends for 2018

With the recent innovations in audio technology, audio-based user experiences are in the spotlight right now. Dexter Garcia sums up nicely in this article the top audio trends to watch out for in 2018.

2- Will voice transform customer experience trends in 2018?

Voice controlled home assistants and voice searches rising globally. It is time to check how will this affect overall customer experience and what things you need to take into consideration.

3- Voice search in retail: Evolving the customer experience

Voice search stands to live at the heart of how retail marketers guide the customer experience into the future. Behind every voice query lies data, ripe with real-time intent and context richer than any other source of shopper information we have had access to before.

4- As voice continues its rise, marketers are turning to sonic branding

Adweek article sums up recent innovations in audio branding like when Visa discovered that when incorporating the new sound and animation to its transactions, 83 percent of the respondents sparked a positive perception of the brand.

5- Voice search: Is your content prepared for the verbal revolution?

SEO & content architect Britney Muller sums up nicely recent studies about voice SEO and what you need to do so today to prepare for the voice revolution.

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