What are we hearing now? February 2018

Voice is now an actuality for marketers. Studies of 2017 media consumption sing the same song worldwide, on-demand audio and voice-activated assistants are continuing their rise. More and more brands have adopted or will adopt podcasts as part of their marketing content effort and as an advertising platform. Check out our tips for brands with Three Simple Ways to Sound Brand Your Podcast

This Agency Thinks Advertisers Should Put Their Money Where Their Ears Are

Podcasts featuring advertising are a rapidly increasing marketing channel. This quote, in particular, caught my eye.

“Podcasting allows larger brands to reach into an incredibly desirable audience that has been, and continues to be, difficult to capture through other channels,” That audience, according to Marshall Williams, tends to have greater buying power, is highly educated, more engaged, younger and consumes more content, as measured in time spent listening, than other media.

You still need an idea for your audio ads… sorry

Eardrum’s Tristan Viney gives great key insights in producing adverts for podcasts. He also touches on the topic of the importance of audio branding and tailoring ads for each platform but still making sure that the same branded voice-over is used consistently to drive familiarity.

Audio Branding – The Sound of the Super Bowl

We studied the genre, instrumentation and mood for each adverts music along with the voice overs to bring you a snapshot of the current audio branding tactics at play in this year’s Super Bowl spots.

Inside the secret audio lab where Apple spent six years building the HomePod

Apple HomePod is the latest addition to voice-activated home assistants which came to market in February. This Metro article takes a look behind the scenes of the facility it was designed in.

If You Thought Voice Was Easy, Wait Until Devices Make Predictions

Voice technology is an easy and natural interface which is everywhere becoming more and more of a standard in homes and office. But what comes after it?

Download free audio branding booklet

Download Free Booklet or read more about Audio Branding.
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